Friday, March 24, 2017

Book Review Angelfall By Susan Ee

This is really a fun book that pulls you through the plot. It is a cool combination of dystopian literature, sci-fi, and religion. Essentially angels take over the earth, are real jerks, and our dear protagonist has to team up with one. This really has a new feel to it, a really fun read, and shockingly inexpensive (you can buy the whole trilogy for around $25). Click here to buy the book.

What I loved: There isn’t down time. Ee does a fantastic job at weaving exposition, flashbacks, and intense action. The success and failures that the protagonist experiences actually make sense, which is a dangerous thing to say. One of my biggest issues with stories in any format is when a character has huge, impossible roadblocks, and all hope is lost, and there is some sneaky little loophole that saves the day. THIS BOOK DOES NOT DO THAT! Plenty of humor. Lots of action. This book balances between a male and female audience.

What I Wanted: Answers. This reads kind of like the Maze Runner series where you are constantly wanting to know just a little more. The mystery is fantastic and you do end the first novel on a satisfying note, it’s just... I get frustrated when I don’t know answers and I have to not read for a few days. So that is me being selfish. 

This is a great option for if you are looking to mix up a really popular genre. I highly recommend this, less than ten dollars and it's available on Amazon Prime (as are the other two in the series), so it is a good deal. If you find yourself thinking that you may be interested follow this link to buy the book now and you will be addicted by the weekend.

Also Amazon is doing a deal on a lot of Young Adult novels check this out if you are in the market, or if you are addicted to buying books.

Also Also you can buy Kindle books through all the links, if that is your thing.

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