Hello all,
Well to get right down to it, my first ever book has been published! On Tuesday "The Most Amazing Story" went live on Amazon (I don't know if that is the right terminology). It is easiest to find if you search "Bennion Ellsworth", which just so happens to be my name. It cost $12.95, and I will sign any copy presented to me. To buy it right now click
here. An eBook will also be available within the month, so keep your eye out for that.

This book is really cute, as it was inspired by my daughter, who is adorable. Jovie was about 3, maybe 4, months old and my sweet, sexy wife told me to sing her to sleep. Here is the issue with that: my voice sounds like the way the Lakers play without LeBron (terrible). So, having gone to college for creative writing, I decided to tell her a story. Literally as I was speaking I knew that this was something I needed to share with the world, and thus decided to write it down in the morning. Remember that scene from The Office where Andy gets mad at Pam because she cut him off before he could resolve the melody? (season 6, Pam is pregnant) Well, he gets mad and steps into the elevator than just kind of bursts into this tune as if his singing were a sneeze that escaped hi,. That is how I felt when I woke up
; I
needed to write this story down.
I did, and the draft held most of the cuteness, but lacked a polished feel. So I spent the next few months revising and editing (thank you Christine, my
elementary school teacher, who helped me with that). I did some pretty extensive research and found a good partnership with Page Publishing, which is a great option for first time authors, and the rest is history.
My sincere hope is that my book can help people feel better about themselves, promote mental and emotional health, and help get my name out there! Honestly, folks, this is just the beginning!
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